Manual of Lua-OOCairo: context

Manual of Lua-OOCairo: context

lua-oocairo-context - Drawing context objects


A context object is used to perform all the drawing operations on a Cairo surface. Context objects can be created by calling the context_create function in the module table returned from require and passing in a surface object.


The following methods are available on context objects:

cr:append_path (path)

Add the path instructions from path to the current path of cr. The path value should be an object returned from the cr:copy_path() or cr:copy_path_flat() method.

cr:arc (cx, cy, radius, angle1, angle2)

Add a curved segment to the current path which approximates a section of a circle centered at point (cxcy) with a radius of radius. The two angles determine which part of the circle to draw. They are both measured in radians. For a complete circle angle1 should be zero, and angle2 should be 2π.

-- Draw a complete circle.
local PI = 2 * math.asin(1)
local x, y, radius = 50, 100, 23
cr:arc(x, y, radius, 0, 2 * PI)

All five arguments to the method must be numbers.

A straight line will be added to the path from the current point to the start of the arc, if there is a current point. To avoid this, call cr:new_sub_path() before adding the arc.

cr:arc_negative (cx, cy, radius, angle1, angle2)

Same as cr:arc(), but goes the opposite way round the circle.

cr:clip ()

From now on clip anything outside the current path, preventing it from being drawn, and then discard the path.

cr:clip_extents ()

Returns four numbers in two pairs, the x and y coordinates of the corners of a rectangle which encloses the area of the surface where drawing can still take place when clipping is taken in to account.

cr:clip_preserve ()

Same as cr:clip() but keeps the current path.

cr:close_path ()

Add a straight line segment to the path from the current point to the point where the path started from (the first cr:move_to() position.

cr:copy_path ()

Returns an object containing details of the instructions which define the current path on cr at the time this is called, as defined by any calls to methods like cr:move_to() and cr:line_to() made so far. The return value can be passed to cr:append_path(). See lua-oocairo-path(3) for details about what else can be done with a path object.

cr:copy_path_flat ()

Same as cr:copy_path() except that the path returned will not contain any curves. If there are curves in the current path they will first be converted into a series of straight lines.

cr:curve_to (c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y)

Add a curved segment to the current path, from the current point to (xy), with the control points (c1xc1y) and (c2xc2y). All six arguments must be numbers.

cr:device_to_user (x, y)

Returns two numbers, the position given by the numbers x and y converted from device coordinates to user coordinates.

cr:device_to_user_distance (x, y)

Returns two numbers, the distance given by the numbers x and y converted from device coordinates to user coordinates.

cr:fill ()

Fill in the inside of the current path using colour from the current source.

cr:fill_extents ()

Returns four numbers giving two corners of the rectangular area which would be affected by a call to cr:fill() with the current path.

cr:fill_preserve ()

Same as cr:fill() but the current path is left intact for use in further drawing operations.

cr:font_extents ()

Return a table containing metrics for the currently selected font at its current size, in user-space coordinates (so not scaled etc. according to the current transformation matrix). The table will contain the following entries:


Distance font extends above baseline.


Distance font extends below baseline.


Recommended line height (vertical distance from one baseline to the next).


Largest distance any glyph will advance the text horizontally.


Largest distance any glyph will advance the text vertically.

cr:get_antialias ()

Get the current antialiasing mode, which will be one of the strings accepted by the cr:set_antialias() method.

cr:get_current_point ()

Return two numbers, the coordinates of the current point. Returns no values if there is no current point.

cr:get_dash ()

Return two values, a table and a number, which describe the current dash pattern and offset in the same format as accepted by cr:set_dash().

cr:get_fill_rule ()

Return the current fill rule as one of the strings accepted by the cr:set_fill_rule() method.

cr:get_font_face ()

Get the currently selected font face (the unscaled font). See lua-oocairo-fontface(3) for details on font face objects.

cr:get_font_matrix ()

Returns the transformation matrix used for the current font.

cr:get_font_options ()

Returns a new font options object containing the options set for font rendering with this context. The options won't reflect any defaults provided by the surface, just the options set with the cr:set_font_options() method.

See lua-oocairo-fontopt(3) for more about font options objects.

cr:get_group_target ()

Returns the surface which is currently the destination of drawing operations. This is usually the same as cr:get_target(), except when cr:push_group() has created a new temporary surface.

cr:get_line_cap ()

Returns one of the strings accepted by cr:set_line_cap().

cr:get_line_join ()

Returns one of the strings accepted by cr:set_line_join().

cr:get_line_width ()

Returns a number, the current line width in pixels.

cr:get_matrix ()

Returns the current transformation matrix as a table of six numbers.

cr:get_miter_limit ()

Returns the current miter limit as a number.

cr:get_operator ()

Returns a string indicating the current compositing operator, as set by the cr:set_operator() method.

cr:get_source ()

Return the pattern object current being used as the source. See lua-oocairo-pattern(3) for methods available on pattern objects.

cr:get_target ()

Returns the surface on which this context will draw.

cr:get_tolerance ()

Return a single number, as set by cr:set_tolerance().

cr:glyph_extents (glyphs)

Same as cr:text_extents(), but instead of a string, the glyphs value should be table in the format accepted by cr:show_glyphs().

cr:glyph_path (glyphs)

Same as cr:text_path(), but instead of string takes a table of glyphs like cr:show_glyphs().

cr:has_current_point ()

Returns a boolean value, true if there is a current point (as defined with cr:move_to()).

cr:identity_matrix ()

Set the current transformation matrix to the identity matrix, resetting any transformations which had previously been applied.

cr:in_fill (x, y)

Return a boolean value, true if the coordinates are inside the area which would be filled by the cr:fill() method if it was called with the current path.

cr:in_stroke (x, y)

Return a boolean value, true if the coordinates are inside the area which would be painted by the cr:stroke() method if it was called with the current path and line drawing options.

cr:line_to (x, y)

Add a straight line segment to the path, from the current point to the coordinates given.

cr:mask (pattern)
cr:mask (surface, x, y)

Both of these set a mask which will be used to filter all drawing. The parts of the mask which are transparent will still be drawn, but the opaque parts will not be, and semitransparent pixels work proportionately.

This method will accept either a pattern object or a surface object, just as for the cr:set_source() method.

The mask only has an alpha channel, so any colour information in the pattern or surface is ignored.

cr:move_to (x, y)

Set the current point to the coordinates given.

cr:new_path ()

Discard the current path.

cr:new_sub_path ()

Disconnect from the current path, so anything added to it will form a separate shape. Mainly used to avoid the extra straight line you get with the cr:arc() method.

cr:paint ()

Copy the source to the surface across the whole surface. This is the same as filling a rectangle enclosing the whole area of the surface.

cr:paint_with_alpha (alpha)

Same as cr:paint() except the source is blended at the proportion given by alpha. An alpha value of one means complete opacity (same as cr:paint()), and zero means complete transparency (no effect).

cr:path_extents ()

Returns four numbers giving two corners of the rectangular bounding box of the current path.

cr:pop_group ()

Finish with the temporary surface created by cr:push_group() and discard it.

cr:pop_group_to_source ()

Finish with the temporary surface created by cr:push_group() and set it as the source image, as if with a call to cr:set_source().

cr:push_group ([content])

Begin drawing on a new temporary surface. If content is specified then it can limit what the temporary surface can store. It should be one of the values accepted by the surface_create_similar function defined in the module table (see lua-oocairo(3)).

cr:rectangle (x, y, width, height)

Add the outline of a rectangle to the current path. All four arguments must be numbers. The rectangle path will be closed at the end.

cr:rel_curve_to (c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y)

Same as cr:curve_to() but with coordinates relative to the current point.

cr:rel_line_to (x, y)

Same as cr:line_to() but with coordinates relative to the current point.

cr:rel_move_to (x, y)

Same as cr:move_to() but with coordinates relative to the current point.

cr:reset_clip ()

Reset there to be no clipping.

cr:restore ()

Restore the state previously saved with a call to cr:save().

cr:rotate (angle)

Apply a rotation to the current transformation matrix, by angle radians.

cr:save ()

Save the current settings for this context on a stack, so that they can be altered and then restored to their previous state with a call to cr:restore(). Multiple saves and restores can be nested.

cr:scale (sx, sy)

Adjust the current transformation matrix to scale everything by the amount specified by the numbers sx and sy.

cr:select_font_face (familyname, slant, weight)

Set the font used by methods such as cr:show_text() to the font family named by the string familyname with the specified styling.

The slant and weight values are both optional.

If specified, slant must be one of the following strings:

  • normal (the default)

  • italic

  • oblique

If specified, weight must be one of the following strings:

  • normal (the default)

  • bold

cr:set_antialias (antialiastype)

Set the antialiasing mode used for drawing. The argument must be one of the following strings:

  • default

  • none

  • gray

  • subpixel

Additionally, the argument can be one of the Lua boolean values (true or false, but not nil), which will simply turn AA on or off by setting it to default or none.

cr:set_dash (dashpattern, offset)

Set the dash pattern used for stroking lines. The dashpattern value must be a table, which is an array of numbers defining how long each dash or gap should be. If there is only one number then it will be treated as if the same number were repeated a second time.

The offset must be a number giving the distance into the pattern at which the stroke should start being drawn.

cr:set_fill_rule (fillrule)

Choose the algorithm used for deciding what is inside or outside of a path when filling its inside. The argument must be one of the following strings:

  • winding

  • even-odd

cr:set_font_face (font)

Set the selected font to the one given, or to the default font if font is nil. See lua-oocairo-fontface(3) for details on font face objects.

cr:set_font_matrix (matrix)

Set the transformation matrix used for fonts. Can be used for rotating text or slanting the font in unusual ways for example. The matrix must be a table of six numbers.

cr:set_font_options (options)

Set the options used for rendering fonts. The value of options must be a font options object (see lua-oocairo-fontopt(3)). The current options can be retrieved with the cr:get_font_options() method.

cr:set_font_size (size)

Set the font size to use for methods like cr:show_text(). The size value must be a number.

cr:set_line_cap (style)

Set the style with which the ends of a path are stroked. The style value must be one of the following strings:


Line ends exactly at end point of path.


Line is extended in a circle round the end of the path.


Line is extended in a square round the end of the path.

cr:set_line_join (style)

Set the style with which corners of a path are stroked. The style value must be one of the following strings:


Outside edge of stroke goes straight on to a sharp point.


Outside edge of line curves in a circle.


Outside edge of line is flattened off.

cr:set_line_width (width)

Set the width of lines drawn with the cr:stroke() method to the number given, in pixels. The default is two pixels wide.

cr:set_matrix (matrix)

Set the current transformation matrix to matrix, which must be a table containing six numbers.

cr:set_miter_limit (limit)

Set the miter limit to the number given.

cr:set_operator (operator)

Change the operator used for compositing new paint onto what has already been drawn. The value must be one of the following strings:

  • add

  • atop

  • clear

  • dest

  • dest-atop

  • dest-in

  • dest-out

  • dest-over

  • in

  • out

  • over (this is the default)

  • saturate

  • source

  • xor

cr:set_source (pattern)
cr:set_source (surface, x, y)

Set the source to a ready-made pattern object, or to a surface object with the given offset. Setting a pattern object is useful for applying a gradient. Setting a surface is useful for drawing the contents of one surface onto another. The x and y values indicate what position on surface should be drawn at the origin.

cr:set_source_gdk_color (c, [alpha])

Set the source to a solid colour given by a GdkColor value from the Lua-Gnome library, and optionally an alpha value using the same range of numbers. This method is exactly the same as calling set_source_rgb (or set_source_rgba if alpha is present), except that the red, green, and blue components are retrieved from c by treating it as a table, and all the numbers are treated as 16 bit unsigned integers and scaled to the range used by Cairo.

If present and not nil, the opacity value alpha must be a number and is expected to range from 0 for fully transparent to 0xFFFF (65535) for completely opaque.

See the example program gtk-drawing.lua for one use of this method in setting a source colour and opacity from a GtkColorButton widget.

cr:set_source_pixbuf (pixbuf, x, y)
cr:set_source_pixmap (pixmap, x, y)

Set the source to an image given as a Gdk object. The value of pixbuf must be a GdkPixbuf object from the Lua-Gnome library, and that of pixmap must be a GdkPixmap object.

The x and y coordinates are the same as in cr:set_source().

Usually, you'll want to use set_source_pixbuf, because pixbufs can include transparency information.

See example program gtk-image.lua for an example of how to use these methods.

cr:set_source_rgb (r, g, b)

Set the source to a solid colour. The three values must be numbers from zero to one.

cr:set_source_rgba (r, g, b, a)

Set the source to a solid colour with a level of opacity. The four values must be numbers from zero to one. A value of one for a indicates full opacity.

cr:set_tolerance (tolerance)

Set a number which determines how finely curves are spliced up into straight lines before being drawn. Higher numbers can increase the quality of the output in some situations, but will slow down rendering.

cr:show_glyphs (glyphs)

Draw glyphs from a font, but instead of specifying a string of characters, this method expects the caller to have already worked out which glyphs in the current font to use, and the exact positions at which they should be placed. The glyphs value should be a table containing an array of tables, each of which should contain three numbers:

  1. The index number of the glyph. The exact meaning of this depends on which font is selected.

  2. The x coordinate at which to draw the glyph on the surface.

  3. The y coordinate.

cr:show_text (text)

Draw the text given in the string text (which must be encoded as UTF-8), using the current font face and size, and the current source. This draws immediately, it doesn't leave a path for further drawing. See the cr:text_path() method for drawing outlined text.

cr:show_text_glyphs (text, glyphs, clusters)

Draw the glyphs given by the glyphs table, in the same way as the cr:show_glyphs() method, but if the surface supports it, store the correspondence between the glyphs and the characters in the UTF-8 string text represented by clusters.

The clusters value must be a table. It may contain a key called backward, whose value will be a boolean value, true if the clusters are listed in reverse order. It should also contain an array part containing pairs of values; that is, the clusters entries with keys starting with the number one should each be a table containing two numbers, a number of bytes in the text string and a number of glyphs in the glyphs array, which are meant to correspond to each other.

Only available with Cairo 1.8 or better.

cr:stroke ()

Draw a line along the current path using colour from the current source, with other settings such line width taken in to account.

cr:stroke_extents ()

Returns four numbers giving two corners of the rectangular area which would be affected by a call to cr:stroke() with the current path.

cr:stroke_preserve ()

Same as cr:stroke() but the current path is left intact for use in further drawing operations.

cr:text_extents (text)

Returns a table of metrics describing the how the text in the string text will appear when rendered with the current font. The table will contain the following keys:


Distance from origin to the top left of the box which will be affected by drawing the text.


Size of bounding box which will be affected by drawing the text.


Distance the current point will be moved by showing the text. In other words, the relative position where the next piece of text should go.

cr:text_path (text)

Set the current path to the outline of the text given in the string text (which should be encoded as UTF-8), using the glyph shapes from the current font. This can be used to draw text with an outline style.

-- Draw some text in a big outlined font, in two
-- shades of pink.
cr:move_to(50, 150)

-- At this point the path has been set, so we can
-- draw it like any other shape.
cr:set_source_rgb(0.6, 0, 0.3)
cr:set_source_rgb(1, 0.7, 1)
cr:transform (matrix)

Apply the transformation encoded in matrix, by multiplying the current transformation matrix by it.

cr:translate (x, y)

Apply a translation transformation, moving the coordinate system by the amount specified by the two numbers given.

cr:user_to_device (x, y)

Returns two numbers, the position given by the numbers x and y converted from user coordinates to device coordinates.

cr:user_to_device_distance (x, y)

Returns two numbers, the distance given by the numbers x and y converted from user coordinates to device coordinates.